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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Just Stirring the Pot

  • 11/14/2013 12:03 PM
    Message # 1438365
    Has anyone ever suggested that the National HQ have an annual open house? Not a full blown convention just a "little taste of one", of course charge admission etc so it could be a fund raising event for the H.C.E.A. While I am on my "soapbox", for the past several convention held at Bowling Green, they have always been held on the 3rd weekend in September. The problem with that is both northern Ohio ATHS Truck Chapters and Auburn ATHS Chapter(IN) have their annual shows that weekend, and over in Wellington, Ohio, Lagrange Engine Club has its annual show that weekend which is a major show in Ohio. Instead of "competing" why not compliment each other, the H.C.E.A. has the ability to change show dates far easier that the other groups mentioned. Speaking for myself and most likely others, I have belong to H.C.E.A. for 15 years and cannot attend the national convention when it has been held in my home state of Ohio due to previous commitments I have. Sorry to "vent" .
  • 11/16/2013 7:25 PM
    Reply # 1439856 on 1438365

    No need to apologize.  I will bring up your idea and thoughts at the next board meeting which just happens to be next weekend.

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