Donating to the Museum
If you are interested in donating equipment to the Museum, please send a description of the machine (model, serial number, location, operating and physical condition, timeframe for removal from the premises, etc.) and photos of it to our Museum Screening Committee, care of The Committee members will review the offer and contact you if additional information is needed. They will make a recommendation to our Board of Directors at its next meeting to accept or decline your offer.
If the offer is accepted, we will contact you to begin making arrangements for transportation. If it is declined, we will place a complimentary “FOR SALE” a classified ad in our magazine, Equipment Echoes, and post it to the Buy/Sell/Trade forum of our website for you if you wish.
Because we are a 501(c)3 non-profit, the value of the machine can be taken as a tax deduction. While we cannot provide a value for the equipment for donation purposes, the current resale value, or even the scrap value, may well serve for that purpose. Ask your tax accountant for details.
Please be advised that we cannot normally provide transportation unless the machine is fairly small and close to our facility; however, special arrangements, such as donated third-party transportation, can sometimes be made. Transportation costs may be tax deductible along with the value of the machine.
Also, all donations to the Museum are made without restrictions, including right of first refusal, and without compensation to the donor of any kind.
(c) Historical Construction Equipment Association 2013-2024
16623 Liberty Hi Road
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
419-352-5616 - Fax 419-352-6086
Equipment, archives and museum inquiries
All other inquiries