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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum



Please share your images of the 2023 International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition which was held at the National Construction Equipment Museum in Bowling Green, Ohio.

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12 photo(s) Updated on: 09/16/2024
  • Alex Taylor built this amazing diorama entirely of Legos. It features an operating Manitowoc 6400 dragline, a Northwest 180-D shovel and two haulers. Even the coal, overburden and spoil are Legos!
  • How many equipment manufacturers built cars? This is an International Harvester Auto-Buggy, offered between 1907 and 1912.
  • The Museum’s mid 1960s Allis-Chalmers 260 motor scraper loads with assistance from National Director Scott Matheney’s 1956 LeTourneau-Westinghouse C Tournadozer.
  • Lakeside Sand & Gravel’s 1926 P & H 206 clamshell crane loads their 1947 White WB dump truck. The scene recreates a photo taken of Lakeside operations in April, 1956 .
  • A penny for your thoughts, young man! HCEA shows aren't just for equipment enthusiasts. We expose kids of all ages to the marvels of antique machinery, towards inspiring them to construction careers.
  • A 1980 White Road Commander 2 truck tractor, owned by Robert and Carol Dahs.
  • The Huber name was well-known for rollers, graders and maintainers, but it had its roots in agricultural equipment and tractors. This is a 1932 40-62 owned by John Androvich.
  • Dirt moving in the late 1960s is recreated by one of the Museum’s Cat 631Bs and its 435 pull scraper, and National Director Scott Matheney’s 1956 LeTourneau-Westinghouse C Tournadozer.
  • The Museum's crushing spread at work. A Russell & Company 16 horsepower traction engine owned by Jim Lashaway powers the 1930s gyratory crusher.
  • The Museum’s scraper spread was a big attraction again. The 1951 Cat D7 and 1957 Cat 435 scraper help give the 631B water wagon something to do, as the 1965 D9G, nicknamed Big Push, looks on.
  • This year’s show featured flagraising in grand fashion, with the Museum’s 1966 American 4450 truck crane appropriately doing the honors.
  • The Museum’s freshly restored 1942 Manitowoc 3500 dragline takes a break.
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