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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum

We have a Solution, and You are the Key!

The HCEA is excited to announce a new Capital Campaign to construct a new 20,000 sqaure foot home for the National Construction Equipment Museum - the only public museum of its kind in the nation! 

The new facility, to be constructed on our existing property, will nearly triple the current museum's display area, and will feature:

  • A Machinery Hall with a clear span vaulted ceiling that will allow cranes and shovels to be displayed with their booms raised;
  • A Visitor's Center, including a merchandise store and an area for meetings and special displays;
  • A 1,200 square foot Education Center, including interactive displays, which will allow us to develop programs for students of all ages to increase awareness of and promote interest in careers in the construction, surface mining and dredging industries; and,
  • A 1,200 square foot Archives annex with climate-controlled storage for seldom-accessed materials taking up valuable space in the current storage.
Why are we doing this?

The need for this new building is real. Our current 7,000 square foot museum is completely filled to capacity while many exhibits, by necessity, have to be stored outdoors. Our archives storage rooms are cramped and overflowing, and our restoration shop is limited. Growth is a beautiful thing, but we have reached a critical point. It's time to unlock the future of the National Construction Equipment Museum! 

We need your help!

Your generous gift can open the door to the future of the HCEA and its mission. Our fundraising target is $1.5 million, and we are confident that, with your help, we will have the new National Construction Equipment Museum completed and open to the public in time for our 2016 International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition

Our growth is a direct reflection of your continued support. Thank you! You have always come through for the HCEA in the past, and now we're counting on you to help make this new goal a reality. Your generosity will go a long way toward helping preserve the history of the equipment that has literally shaped our world. 

Introducing the 375 Club

We have expanded our levels of donorship for this campaign. For HCEA members only, we are introducing the 375 Club

The logic behind the 375 Club is simple. we need to raise $1.5 million, and we have approximately 4,000 members. So if every member were to donate $375, we would instantly reach our goal. No problem, right?

While we realize that not everyone can make such a generous donation, we do hope that you would consider $375, be it in one lump sum or a $75 initial payment and six $50 monthly installments, to be a reasonable contribution. 

As HCEA members, we are united by our common interest in historical construction equipment and our concern for the preservation of these machines and their history. But we simply cannot fulfill our mission of preserving these machines properly when our current museum is filled to capacity. Building the new National Construction Equipment Museum is a vital step in keeping our mission alive. 

375 Club members will receive a limited-edition 375 Club hat or lapel pin (illustrated),and will also be permanently recognized in the new Museum. Join today by filling out this form and mail it with payment by check, or click on DONATE to make a secure donation with your credit or debit card. 

Capital Campaign Contributor Levels

We offer a number of donor levels for this campaign. These levels are open to all donors, not just HCEA members, and each level is based on the donor's total donations. 

President's Club ($150,000 and above)

Diamond ($500,000)
Ruby ($375,000)
Sapphire ($300,000)
Emerald ($250,000)
Amethyst ($150,000)

Legacy Society ($25,001 - $149,999)

Cornerstone Circle ($100,000)
Leader’s Circle ($75,000)
Pacesetter Circle ($50,000)
Crusader Circle ($25,001)

William Otis Club ($10,000 - $25,000)

Pioneer Society ($100-$9,999)

Charter Circle ($5,000)
Founder’s Circle ($2,000)
Patron’s Circle ($500)
Builder's Circle ($100)

Interested donors are encouraged to contact David B. Munson, our Director of Development, at 517-270-3334, Donations can also be made through our website at DONATE.

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