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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum



Please share your images of the 2006 International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition which was held September 15-17 at the National Construction Equipment Museum in Bowling Green, Ohio.

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11 photo(s) Updated on: 03/22/2013
  • The Ron Laborie family owns this 1962 International Harvester Cub Cadet and B. H. 260 compact hydraulic backhoe.
  • Will Wingo owns this 1963 Mack B75 truck tractor.
  • Hundreds of narrow-gauge Plymouth locomotives were used in material handling operations for excavation and paving before trucks were perfected, and many are still used in tunnel construction.
  • This 1931 Adams No. 10 motor grader is pulling a 1915 Adams No. 31 Leaning Wheel pull grader and circa 1900 Western Wheeled Scraper 1-yard wheeled scraper. Marvin Tolan owns all three machines.
  • A Farmall roller? Yes, thanks to this dealer conversion of a 1937 F12, owned by George Hibbs.
  • Think the elevated sprocket concept originated with Caterpillar? Think again! The Cletrac Model F, exemplified by this machine owned by Lakeside Sand & Gravel, dates to 1922.
  • Two of Second Vice-President Larry Kotkowski’s machines, a 1942 Bucyrus-Erie 15B shovel and 1936 International C30 dump truck.
  • Trailer manufacturer Freuhauf acquired Agritrack (the former Agricat) in 1967 and produced the Trackmaster, a larger version of the diminutive Agricats, under its D-Fab Engineering Division.
  • Will Wingo’s 1929 Cat Sixty gives the National Construction Equipment Museum’s 1917 Russell Township A elevating grader a workout.
  • Three of the four machines shown by Charlie Capone of the Northeast RockBusters chapter: 1950 Cat D2, 1935 Cat R4, and 1950 Oliver OC3 crawler loader.
  • Four of the five members of the Case crawler tractor family tree: 1944 Clark CA-1 Airborne; U. S. Trac 10A; 1953 American Tractor Corporation Terratrac; and 1957 Case 800 Terratrac.
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