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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum



Please share your images of the 2007 International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition which was held July 20-22 at the Quinebaug Valley Engineers Association and Zagray Farm Museum at Colchester, Connecticut.

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14 photo(s) Updated on: 03/22/2013
  • Dandy Dave Brennan demonstrates his working model shovel.
  • This 1929 Cat Fifteen is owned by Mark Olsen.
  • Bob Smith owns this 1911 International Harvester High-Wheeler.
  • One of three Mack B61 dump trucks, this 1960 model was one of JV III Construction’s exhibits.
  • One the more unusual machines on the grounds: a Nelson Iron Works bucket loader, equipped with a trommel screen. This oddity graced the QVEA shop area.
  • This “ditch cleaner” was built between 1958-1961 by Oliver dealer H. F. Davis of Boston. It combines a knuckleboom, hydraulic clamshell bucket, custom cab, and overhung Oliver OC-4 crawler chassis.
  • John J. Curry’s Smith Industries Bandit utility truck gets a load from Lynn C. Burdick’s 1939 Bay City 20 shovel.
  • This 1963 Cat D6, owned by the Hewitt Brothers, models an angle dozer and front cable control unit.
  • Three Euclid end dumps graced the show. The newest, a 1964 3UD series R12 owned by Will Whitman, may well have been the rarest.
  • This 1934 Cat Thirty-Five, owned by Hewitt Brothers, sports a wooden cab and headlights.
  • C & R Tractor showed a variety of machines, including this Tractomotive TL16D wheel loader that predated the purchase of Tractomotive by Allis-Chalmers.
  • One of 15 Macks on site, this B-series tractor is owned by Thomas Proctor Company, Inc.
  • A full half-dozen backhoes were on hand, including this 1948 Koehring 205-1A owned by Walsh Contracting Corporation of Attleboro, Massachusetts.
  • This Westrak crawler tractor, owned by Hewitt Brothers Logging, is the sole survivor of two prototypes built circa 1949 in Seattle. The line was discontinued after the proprietor’s death.
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