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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum



Please share your images of the 2005 International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition which was held August 5-7 at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskawin, Alberta.

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20 photo(s) Updated on: 03/22/2013
  • Hauser Construction of Rosalind, Alberta put on a fine show with a pair of Allis-Chalmers/pull scraper sets. Here is their 1951 HD20 and 20-yard Gar Wood 620 pull scraper.
  • Graham Brothers owns four LeTourneau Super C Tournapulls. Two, one each from 1940 and 1941, were on hand at the show. Graham’s 1945 Cat D8 provides a shove to one.
  • Gisli Bjornson of Innisfail, Alberta owns this 1953 3T series Cat D7 and 1939 LaPlant-Choate C71 2-Wheel Carrimore hydraulic wheeled scraper.
  • Byers Bearcat half-swing shovels are well known; but how about the Bearcat Junior? Roger Nicolas of Edmonton owns this example from 1942.
  • Ed Rostaing repowered this 1960 Wagner 24 wheel tractor with a 465hp Detroit diesel and extra-large fuel tanks for 24-hour operation. The scraper is a 22-yard Michigan.
  • Ed McElhone’s 1951 Cletrac FDE shoves dirt to a 1944 Bucyrus-Erie 15B shovel owned by HCEA President Dave Geis of Seward, Nebraska.
  • Convention chairman Bill Graham poses proudly next to one of his two Cletrac 100s. This one dates to 1927, the other to 1930.
  • Champion’s motor grader line was perhaps Canada’s most famous and successful construction product. This distinctive 1950 model 507 is owned by the Reynolds Alberta Museum.
  • Another gem from the Reynolds Alberta collection, a 1926 Universal B Tractor Shovel. This is an ancestor of the Unit crane and shovel line.
  • This 1917 Bucyrus Class 24 skid and roller dragline, is owned by the Reynolds Alberta Museum. It is the world’s oldest known dragline, and it is fully restored to original physical condition.
  • Straight out of the tall timber, Graham Brothers’ 1944 Cletrac FDE crawler tractor and 1948 Hyster crawler log arch.
  • One of two Caterpillar Sixty crawler tractors on site, a 1929 model owned by Graham Brothers, keeps a 1941 LeTourneau sheepsfoot roller busy.
  • This 1951 Cletrac FDE crawler tractor, owned by Ed McElhone of Springford, Ontario. It came the greatest distance of any piece of heavy equipment.
  • Reynolds Alberta Museum put several traction engines to work in the show.
  • A British import owned by Jonathan Kick, a 1962 Marshall Sons & Company 70 Type C2 Track Marshall.
  • Cletrac was the featured make of machine for the show, and no fewer 11 were on hand. This 30A, from circa 1927, belongs to Ken Kroschel of Longmont, Colorado.
  • Another machine you don’t see at every convention, a preserved 1966 Bucyrus-Erie 88B shovel from Manalta Coal that is now part of the Reynolds-Alberta collection.
  • Graham Brothers also owns this 1935 Linn D35 half-track end dump, one of several machines that featured interpretive signs.
  • There are only a handful of preserved and restored Euclid TC12s, and our Conventions have been graced by them two years in a row. This one, owned by Graham Brothers, was built in 1958.
  • Mixcor Aggregates demonstrated this combination crusher plant, featuring a 1922 Sturtevant 6x20” jaw crusher and a 14” diameter roll crusher. It could kick out 40 tons per hour.
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