The HCEA’s marketplace for buying, selling or trading antique equipment and anything related to it, including parts, services, memorabilia and collectibles. We do not accept postings for modern equipment, as there are other sites such as Rock and Dirt, Machinery Trader and Construction Equipment Guide that are more appropriate. Neither do we accept anything not pertaining to antique equipment.
General Discussion
Swap stories and general information about construction, mining and dredging machinery. We now have a separate forum for equipment Shows and Events. Content is restricted to antique equipment; please refrain from politics and religion, as there are numerous other venues for that.
Information Wanted
Looking for information about vintage machinery and its history? Post your inquiries and replies here. You can also utilize our Archives, or e-mail our Archivist at tberry@hcea.net.
Shows and Events
Use this forum to publicize your upcoming antique tractor, equipment or truck show. Please be certain to include the date, location, hours and contact information, as well as any other information that will attract people to your event. HCEA Chapters are encouraged to also post their events on our Chapter Events page. Please refrain from repeated new postings for the same event.