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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


One more time...

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  • 06/08/2013 2:22 PM
    Message # 1312583
    What is this, forum #4 for the HCEA?  I'm sure there were good reasons for the change; it just seems like we can never establish any regular participants like most forums because this forum gets changed every couple of years.

    Hopefully this one will be different.

  • 06/09/2013 3:50 PM
    Reply # 1313042 on 1312583
    Hugh, I believe Tom Berry and others have nailed it with this website!  I found it only took minutes to upload a half a dozen photos.  
  • 06/09/2013 5:42 PM
    Reply # 1313074 on 1312583
    Hi Edgar, nice to see you here already.  

  • 06/10/2013 8:40 PM
    Reply # 1314133 on 1312583
    Brady Harper
    I think I like this set up better already. Thanks to everyone involved in this change.
  • 06/12/2013 7:36 AM
    Reply # 1315353 on 1312583
    I agree with Hugh !  Leave things alone !  I don't accept change very well . That is why I own , operate and repair OLD ANTIQUE  equipment.
  • 06/15/2013 1:56 PM
    Reply # 1319159 on 1312583
    I'm not a member but I have posted a few times on the old forums. It seems like we can't have user names on this forum. I'll try to contribute something and not ask too many questions.
  • 06/17/2013 5:30 PM
    Reply # 1320433 on 1312583
    Nice to see your feeling better Buddy....!
  • 06/25/2013 3:08 PM
    Reply # 1326804 on 1312583

    Lots of great information on the old forum and from the way it looks it isn't available plus I had numbers and information in my personal messages that I can't get to. Sorry for being negative but I dislike change.

  • 07/11/2013 1:06 AM
    Reply # 1337921 on 1312583
    It's posts like this that make surfing so much plaesure
  • 07/12/2013 1:08 PM
    Reply # 1338973 on 1312583
    Tom Berry (Administrator)
    We aim to please! We also aim to keep the off-topic stuff off the forums. And, yes, this is the fourth incarnation of the forums. Reasons why are neither here nor there at this point, and this too will become a trove of information if people will make it so.
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