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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


One more time...

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  • 07/12/2013 6:14 PM
    Reply # 1339188 on 1312583
    Tom Berry (Administrator)
    The problem that was allowing the goofball posts has been fixed. Posting to all forums is now closed to the public.
  • 09/19/2013 11:00 AM
    Reply # 1393361 on 1313042
    Edgar Browning wrote:Hugh, I believe Tom Berry and others have nailed it with this website!  I found it only took minutes to upload a half a dozen photos.  

    Please help I can't find Edgar photos or any Daily threads or a members list. Don't understand  what Im doing wrong.  Where has everyone gone? 
    Last modified: 09/19/2013 7:37 PM | Anonymous
  • 01/01/2014 3:46 AM
    Reply # 1465924 on 1319159
    Mike Blais wrote:I It seems like we can't have user names on this forum.

    Why is this so?
  • 08/11/2015 9:50 AM
    Reply # 3474854 on 1312583

    Well Boys . I believe its safe to say your now not so new, format is working!!  There are hardly any jokers posting, or unwanted post from non members! Congratulations!!... You've succeeded in stopping all that!!..... That said, judging by the amount of posts, and time that has elapsed between them!----- I think it is safe to say you've succeeded in ending a very informative, very interesting, and what was a heavily used  vintage equipment forum!!.....

     For the greater good of our club. Lets hope this "VERY"clear lesson is soon not forgotten!!.....Sincerely,  James P Duffy.   

  • 08/19/2015 10:48 AM
    Reply # 3487782 on 1312583

    You hit the nail on the head James. This forum has been falling off a cliff since it was Big Toy Dot Com.  A group of sixth grade kids would do a better job of managing this organization then the current regime.

    Clifford Bridgford 

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