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1950 cat D4

  • 01/04/2015 2:33 PM
    Message # 3180604

    Hi everybody,

    I hope you guys can bear with me, I have some questions about this dozer and part related needs.

    I'm looking for a good source for a couple things.  I need a rebuild kit for the diesel water pump and also a carb for the pony motor.  I would also really like to convert the ignition/starting system to 12v.  I'm wondring if it's as simple as installing a 12v starting solenoid and go. 

    Thanks for your time.

  • 01/10/2015 5:55 PM
    Reply # 3187895 on 3180604

    well the water pump you can get from CAT  and the pony rebuild kits are out there.  check with the guys at ACMOC  there is a lot go info over there  John deer used the same carb on the 720 730  John Deere RE528699   hope this helps.

  • 06/15/2015 4:41 PM
    Reply # 3388267 on 3180604

    If you run 12 volts through the starter, you are doubling the amperage through it.  It can take that for short time; and I would / have done that; all you can do is do it; and if it burns up at a later can either get it repaired or get a used one.  I am not sure if the pony motor starter ever got to be 12 volts, I am pretty sure I never saw one.  I had a D6 9U and I cranked it with jumper cables from my 12 volt truck.  I couldn't leave a battery in it or it would get stolen.  I also have jumped off the pony motor on a crane with a D318 engine in it with no problem.  You should probably go to a 12 volt solenoid.  A Ford solenoid with an in and out and signal screw should work.  I have never changed one, though.  If you use the original starter, the pony motor should be in shape so it starts easily. Don't crank the engine longer than 15 or 20 seconds.

  • 06/15/2015 4:50 PM
    Reply # 3388270 on 3180604

    You have to remember that the existing generator will not charge a 12 volt system.  If you are interested in running the tractor; I would put a 12 volt one wire alternator from an auto supply.  You may have to do something in the mounting area to make it work.  If you are interested in maintaining original appearance throughout; you could get the generator rewound ,charge the battery with a charger, or jump it off.

     That little magneto on the starting engine works real good.  If you get your carburetor rebuilt or do it yourself, put in a couple of new plugs, and see if she will start with the rope.  If it does, you should be able to start the unit with 12 volts in 20 seconds or less reliably.

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