Upon becoming interested (obsessed?) with the US independent engine builders and what-all their engines went into, I acquired a batch of older engine/clutch replacement parts catalogs (some being the same as ones I'd sold several years before when closing out my old auto related paper collection!!)...
Anyway, I find what I have is good on trucks, fair on tractors and combines, but poor to no help on the endless range of gas/diesel powered const and ind'l eqpmt...
Some 50s/60s clutch catalogs, while not really comprehensive, do cover more const etc eqpmt, but I need something that covers older (teens/20s/30s) road/const/etc eqpmt models that lists their engine makes and models..
Anyone here familiar with such catalogs or publications?? Individual make history books are out of reach financially.
Any comments appreciated--many thxx!! Bud