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24th Annual Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park Dinner-Auction May 12, 2018

  • 04/08/2018 3:26 PM
    Message # 6053074

    24th Annual Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park Dinner-Auction 

    May 12, 2018

    Sally Buffalo Park’s Wallace
    100 College Way
    Cadiz, Ohio 

    Doors open at 5pm. Dinner at 6:00pm. Followed by Speaker & Auction. Tickets include buffet style dinner, drinks, and more.  Tickets $18.00

    For reservation, information, or donate items for auction contact 740-391-4135 or 740-942-3895. E-mail Mail reservations to HCRHP, 143 South Main Street, Cadiz, OH 43907. Make checks payable to HCRHP.  



    Speaker: Dr. Dieterich-Ward, Author- Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America

    Speaker Bio:

    Allen Dieterich-Ward is an Associate Professor of History at Shippensburg University.  A native of the Ohio Valley, his work spans urban, environmental and political history.  Dr. Dieterich-Ward is the author of Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America, published in 2016 by the University of Pennsylvania Press.  The winner of the Arline Custer Memorial Award for best book in Mid-Atlantic History, Beyond Rust chronicles the rise, fall, and rebirth of one of the world’s most significant industrial regions.  Written in clear and engaging prose, the book goes beyond the oft-told narrative of the central city and emphasizes the important interconnections among the urban core, commuter suburbs, satellite cities, and rural mining areas

    Additional information:

    Graduate of Barnesville High School, Barnesville, Ohio


    Ph.D. University of Michigan, 2006

    M.A. University of Michigan, 2002

    B.A. College of Wooster, 2000


    Teaching Innovation in Pedagogical Spotlight (TIPS) Award, Shippensburg University, 2013

    Power of the Partnership Award, South Mountain Conservation Landscape Initiative, 2012

    Shippensburg University Provost’s Award for Extraordinary Service in 2010/2011

    Research Fellow, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty-Led Research Fund, Summer 2011

    Urban History Association Prize for Best Scholarly Article Published in 2009

    Research Fellow, University Research and Scholarship Program, Fall 2009

    Phi Alpha Theta Doctoral Scholarship (national), Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society, 2005-06

    James R. Turner Prize in History, College of Wooster, 2000 


    2018 Calendar:

    The 2018 calendar featuring the Marion Shovel #5561 know as“The B Shovel” and the "Green Hornet" are still available for $13.00 (Includes shipping).  The shovel  was owned by Hanna Coal and Consolidation Coal Co. It began production in

    1947.  Checks may be made out to HCRHP and sent to Dale Davis 456 Park Ave. Cadiz, Ohio 43907  



    The HCRHP have been looking to acquire 200-250 acres for many years.   They are currently in talks with land owners to acquire land and move forward with short and long term plans.  They have been leasing land from many years. 
    Visit for compete information and how to be part of the plans.


    Last modified: 04/08/2018 3:50 PM | Bryan Coulson
  • 05/03/2018 10:04 AM
    Reply # 6131211 on 6053074

    24th Annual Harrison coal & Reclamation Historical Park Dinner-Auction

    It's coming soon, our 24th Annual Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park Dinner-Auction.   Again we will celebrate on Saturday May 12, 2018 at Sally Buffalo Park's Wallace Lodge 100 College Way Cadiz, Ohio.   Doors will open at 5pm, Dinner will be served at 6pm, and auction will begin around 8pm.  This year our auctioneers will be Gary Cain and Company of Cain Auctioneers, East Springfield and Steubenville.  They've done it in the past and we look forward to another great auction.

    Our speaker this year is Dr. Allen Dieterich-Ward is an Associate Professor of History at Shippensburg University. A native of the Ohio Valley, his work spans urban, environmental and political history. Dr. Dieterich-Ward is the author of Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America, published in 2016 by the University of Pennsylvania Press. The winner of the Arline Custer Memorial Award for best book in Mid-Atlantic History, Beyond Rust chronicles the rise, fall, and rebirth of one of the world’s most significant industrial regions. Written in clear and engaging prose, the book goes beyond the oft-told narrative of the central city and emphasizes the important interconnections among the urban core, commuter suburbs, satellite cities, and rural mining areas.  Graduate of Barnesville High School, Barnesville, Ohio.  Alan received his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan in 2006, M.A. at the University of Michigan in 2002  and B.A. at the College of Wooster in 2000.  His additional awards received includes Awards Teaching Innovation in Pedagogical Spotlight (TIPS) Award, Shippensburg University, in 2013, Power of the Partnership Award, South Mountain Conservation Landscape Initiative in 2012, Shippensburg University Provost’s Award for Extraordinary Service in 2010/2011, Research Fellow, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty-Led Research Fund in Summer of 2011, Urban History Association Prize for Best Scholarly Article Published in 2009, Research Fellow, University Research and Scholarship Program in of Fall 2009Phi Alpha Theta Doctoral Scholarship (national), Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society in 2005-06 and James R. Turner Prize in History, College of Wooster in 2000. 

    As Usual, We'll have our great food, this year provided by Manfred's Catering from Steubenville.  The buffet style dinner will include fried chicken, beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, noodles, vegetable, salad, dessert, and drink.  Door prizes and 50/50 drawling.  General sales table will include shovel photos, mining related photos, shirts, hats, and other items. 

    Donated by Claren Blackburn is the latest print by local artist Dave Barnhouse Called "Cadiz and Gable, Together Again".  If you missed out on this limited addition of 195 paper prints, now is your chance to purchase it. The picture has been framed by Carl Streley.  There will also be a photo of Dave Barnhouse actually signing this print.  Another, older Barnhouse print features the Wright Bros. at Kitty Hawk, donated in memory of Roy Blackburn, long time member who passed away last September.  Dale Davis has 10 framed photos for auction, plus other items as does Don Richards, Marilyn Monzula, and other members.  There will be glass sets, Hanna Magazines provided by Dale Davis, a set of set of frames photographs of shovels and mining related machinery, an offering from Route 22 Winery, coal decals, and a wine basket.  There will be many other mining and non mining related items available for auction.

    Tickets are $18.00 witch includes the all you can eat buffet, drinks, speaker, door prizes and more. Tickets are on sale now from any member and he Harrison County Visitors Center.  For information, donate items for auction, reservations contact 740-391-4135, 740-942-3895 or email   Reservations can me made by sending check or money order to Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park 143 South Main Street Cadiz, Ohio 43907.   Make check or money order payable to HCRHP. 

    The Harrison Coal & Reclamation Historical Park is a 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to the preservation of mining, construction, agriculture, logging, transportation, and oil & gas history of Ohio and the region.   The dinner-auction supports insurance costs, restoration costs, and other expenses. Our members are from Ohio, throughout the United States, and we have a few international members.  Our officers and board members are from Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont, Tuscarawas, and Stark Counties.   Visit for information about our museum plans and how you can support the plans.


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