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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Welcome to the 2015 National Show at Rock River Thresheree

  • 07/12/2015 9:58 AM
    Message # 3430914
    Deleted user

    The committee at Rock River Thresheree want to thank all HCEA Members for coming to the show and making it a success. 

    A few questions have come up and I will try and get the answers here. 

    One question was what else is there to do in the area if I come early to the show? HCEA has set up a great tour in Milwaukee on Friday of the show. To the north is Madison, with like Milwaukee lots of things to see including the WI Historical Society, which houses the McCormick IH Archives. To the west of the show grounds in the cities if Monroe and New Glarus  the main cheese and small brewery's in WI. To the east is Lake Geneva a tourist town on a beautiful lake. One of the high lites is the boat tours of the lake like the mail boat tour that gets you up close to mansions of the early industrialists, like the mansion of the family that a stick of gum built. 

    Another question is about camping on the show grounds, there is primitive camping. There is bath rooms and showers on the grounds. Ports potties can be rented for your camp site. There is also modern restrooms by the Pavillion at the park if interested contact is Bob Corning at 608-728-3470, he can get this setup and take pre registration. 

    Next question goes along with the camping some what, all exhibitors and operators that register with Rock River Thresheree gets free admission to the park for two people. But you have to register with Rock River Thresheree for this. I will have people in the digging area in the mornings or you will need to go to the registration Trailer. 

    Last question for now. Rental of golf carts or bringing in your own. All carts, gators and such brought in have to be registered and copy of insurance shown. In reality the owner and operator are responsible for any damage the unit may cause. If you are interested in renting a golf cart you can contact where the club here gets theirs. The park no longer rents them but you can contact with the renter direct at 608-246-0444 Premire golf carts in Madison WI. I am still waiting for more information from the cart company and will post this here. 

    Any questions you can Contact me at 262-215-4310 or

    More information will be added as I get it. 

    One thing just came in I am getting forms from Rock River for registering ahead of time. I will let Tom Berry and here once I have them

    Looking for everyone to have a good time at the show

    Terry Welch 

    Rock and Dirt Committee. 

  • 08/31/2015 9:17 AM
    Reply # 3503274 on 3430914
    Deleted user

    I will be running a Safety Meeting for Rock River Thresheree every morning of the show at about 8am central time. If you can not attend my safety meeting you will have to go to the registration trailer in the center of the show grounds. If HCEA and ACMOC would like to join in at the same time that would be great. 


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