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Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Wanted, 190D Northwest pull shovel

  • 10/22/2014 1:26 AM
    Message # 3131032

    I was talking to a customer today that has a 190D that he want's to put a pull shovel on, and he asked me to do some looking around for him. He's already got an 80D with a front shovel that will out dig anything else he has tried, for the routine stuff, but is getting into some harder material. He has run the smaller shovels before, in the same location, and knows that the larger machine will do what he needs to do, and then some. So, does anyone out there know where he can find a pull shovel attachment for a 190D, or even one for a 180D, if it will fit. He figures if the 180 attachment has a little smaller bucket, so much the better for the work he's wanting to do. Thanks for any leads ya'll might be able to provide. 

  • 10/31/2014 3:20 PM
    Reply # 3138259 on 3131032

    I suggest you contact "Mr. Northwest" Rodger Gerhart, Gerhart Machinery Litz, PA


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