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Absolute Dewell Farm & Contents Auction

  • 04/27/2021 2:44 PM
    Message # 10373719

    Absolute Dewell Farm & Contents Auction

    161.4 Acre Farm – Mineral Rights – Lifelong Collection of Contents

    Location: 87800 Dewell Rd. Scio OH 43988 GPS Coordinates: 40.370696754156675, -81.12765914206535 Directions: From SR 151 in Scio, take E. Main St/SR 646 south to Bower Rd., turn right 1.8 miles to Gundy Ridge Rd., turn right 1.2 miles to Henderson Rd., turn left 1 mile to Dewell Rd. & the farm. From US RT 250 at Tappan Lake Area, take SR 646 (Tappan Scio Rd.) north 1.8 miles to Henderson Rd., turn left 1.9 miles to Dewell Rd. & the Farm. Signs Posted.

    Saturday May 15th, 2021

    9:00 AM

    * 161.4 Acres * North Township * Harrison County * 9 Parcels * Mineral Rights in Producing Units * 4500’ Road Frontage * 2 Story Farm House * 40’x60’ Shop * 38’x54’ Bank Barn * 40’x60’ 3 Sided Machinery Shed * Building Sites * Wooded Land with Recreation & Hunting * Agriculture Land with Farming, Pasture, & Hay Ground * Russell Steam Engine * Russell Threshing Machine * Ford Model T Truck * Semi * Trailers * 20 Tractors * Farm Machinery * 47 Guns & Ammo * Animal Mounts * Advertising Signs * Antiques * Primitives * Collectibles * Household *

    Open for Inspection: Monday May 3rd – 3:00 to 6:00 PM

    Beautiful 160+ acre Harrison County Farm, known as JD & PA Dewell Tired Iron Farm, has good improvements, nice mix of tillable and wooded land, plenty of road frontage, and mineral rights. The 2-story home is rich in character and history and features kitchen, living room, parlor on the main floor along with 3 bedrooms and full bath upstairs. The full basement is walkout with laundry area, full bath, fruit cellar, and storage. The home has several fireplaces and features original woodwork with many built ins. Utilities to the home include spring water, private septic, propane heat, backup whole house generator, and the home has had over $90,000 in improvements over the last 5 years. Outbuildings include shop, barn, and machinery shed- all in good condition. The land features rolling hills with tillable land, hay ground, and wooded land with good hunting. There are also beautiful hilltop building sites. The minerals will be offered separately, and the gas/oil rights are in 2 production units with the Henderson & Valdinger Wells. This is an iconic Harrison County farm with endless possibilities. Make plans to join us for this exciting ABSOLUTE auction.

    Auctioneer Note: Contents auction represents a lifelong collection of the John Dewell family. This collection has fine antiques & collectibles, steam engine, many tractors, and much much more. Due to the location, there is no online bidding or phone bidding available. If you cannot attend the auction, you may utilize our absentee bid packet located at or you may contact Kaufman Realty & Auctions for details. This is a one-of-a-kind auction with anything possibly turning up!

    Steam Engine – Model T – Semi – Trailers - 1915 Russell 16hp Steam Engine; Russell Water Wagon, low hours; 1914 Russell Threshing Machine, all wooded straw walker, sharp; 1918 Ford Model T Truck; Ford Model T Miniature; Kenworth semi; United Box Trailer; 2 Ford homemade “Hillbilly Deluxe” trucks;

    JD Dozer – 20 Tractors: JD 1010 Dozer; Oliver 1650, WF; McCormick Deering 20; Case LA diesel; Case VAC; Case SC; Ford Ferguson; Farmall w/ sickle bar; Farmall H; Farmall Super C w/ plow; Massey-Harris 81 R; JD A w/ cultivators; Minneapolis Moline ZB; Minneapolis Moline 335, WF; International B-414 WF; Case 646 w/ bucket; Case 155 w/ blade; Case 444 w/ snow blower; Case 220 w/ Blade; Case 224 w/ tiller; JD 110;

    Farm Equipment: JD 1008 pull type 10’ mower; NH 68 hay baler; NH 256 hay rake; wagon; NH 488 haybine; ground driven manure spreaders incl. JD & IH; Oliver 13-hole grain drill; 20’ hay/grain elevator; lime spreader; 2 section spike tooth harrow; 30’ corn elevator; 3pt. 6’ brush hog; 2 wagons with benches/rail; GH Grimm hay tedder; JD 8’ disc; 3pt. Gaspardo sickle mower; 3pt blade; 2 wheel farm trailer; Ford 2 wheel trailer; wagon loads of tools & miscellaneous;

    Horse drawn buggies & equipment: 2 top buggies; JD wagon; 2 row corn planter; hay tedder; sickle bar mower; 1 horse cultivator; box wagon w/ air tires; box wagon gear; 2btm 2way plow; eveners;

    47 Guns – Ammo – Gun Safe – Animal Mounts:Complete Gun Catalog available upon request or on website. Highlights include Stevens Favorites, Win Models 12, 59, 70, 1890, 97, 1912, 1897, Remington 870, 12-A, 121 Fieldmaster, Marlin, Savage, Mauser 98, Colt, and more; Ammo of all calibers; Wild boar mount; antelope mount; coyote w/ rabbit mount; four horned sheep mount; several deer mounts; groundhog mount; squirrel mounts; moose head mounts; raccoon mounts; 6 ft. Bear rug; hunting knives; JD pocket watch; misc. smalls not listed;

    Antiques – Collectibles – Household – Primitives – Butchering Equipment: Signs incl. Surge Dairy, Winchester Ammo, Ford Tractor, Ford V8, R.R. crossing sign; 3 pc. Victorian style bedroom set; chestnut corner cupboard 87” tall 47” wide; walnut wash stand; child’s drop front desk; glass front book shelf; child’s wicker rocker; settee w/ foot stool; marble top stand; hickory rocker; butcher block 40” long 29” wide 12” thick; sectary; iron bed; child’s bed; rocking chairs; Lane cedar chest; dressing stand w/ double mirrors; vanity;  misc. antique beds, dressers, & stands; old quilts, buggy rugs, comforters, coverlets; Wall telephones; small school desk; crock chick waterer, bull horn weights; crock water jug; tin coffee pot; coal hog; dashers; Queen toy cast iron stove; Indian artifacts grinding stones; Jas. A McKee match box holder – Jewett, OH; brass sleigh bell pieces; old ammo shells; wood covered 5 gal. Tin jug; wood ice box; Winchester flashlights; glass top coffee grinder; old bottles; 10 milk bottles; Weir cove Qt. Pint – Hill Top Dairy, Pleasant View Dairy Carrollton, OH & others; cast iron skillets; marbles; shooter marbles; pig cookie jar; apple butter stirrers; blue swirl wash bowl; N-cup; egg scales; bread box; cherry stoner; Twin Oaks Tobacco tin; miners lights; old horse stock & farm books; American Rifleman magazines from the 40’s; wooden sled; Dazey NO40 glass butter churn; Dazey tin churn; slaw cutters; butter bowl n paddles; butter molds; child’s chalk board; dynamite cap blasting box; J.D Miller watch fob; Aladdin oil lamps; wash boards; 8 place Pfaltzgraff china; Chelsea Ivory China England 6 place setting old high chair; pickle jar; Germany Bowls; painted water pitcher & 6 tumblers; Apple butter stirrer; old Ref. Books; Trains-Model A books; Copper boiler; old medicine bottles; crocks 1 gal. - 15 gal.; Redman tin spittoon; buck saws; box corn sheller; 5 gal. Churn; scooter; old hand Klayon horn; hand held spud planter; cast iron bean pots; Carrollton, OH coin bank; old dolls; old photos; old radio; desk bell; depr. Glass carnival bowl; Crystal glass bowls; misc. Glassware; 2 man saws; wood pulleys; 4 Hay Trolley’s; grain cradle; primitive hand tools; 2 anvils on stump; carpenter tool box; hog oiler; cast iron bell; bed pan collection, wood & tin; bee smoker; wall mt. Drill press; hog catcher; Red Rose clock; sleigh bells; cast iron tea pot; walnut drop leaf table; toaster; blue jars; Winchester mirror; Coley’s Stag Hot Chili clock; oil lanterns; 12+ hand corn planters; egg scales; grinding stone; chimney stones; seed grader; Hobart Meat Saw; Dove M-MW4C meat wrapper; Steiner elec meat grinder; SpeedMaster Vacuum sealer; meat saws; meat cleavers; Enterprise wood burning kitchen stove; Frigidaire cook stove; waffle iron; (2) 9 ft. X 18” wide butcher planks; Copper Clad stove top; cookers incl. Conservo & Toledo; wooden wheel barrow; many items not listed individually.

    Auction Sale Order: Selling in 3 rings all day, so bring all your buddies and friends. All Rings will be beginning at 9:00 AM. Ring 1: Antiques/Collectibles/Household, Ring 2: Guns/Ammo/Animal Mounts/ Signs, Ring 3: Wagon Loads of miscellaneous tools/Horse Equipment. At 12:00 Noon the farm will be sold followed by the Steam Engine, Threshing Machine, Tractors & farm equipment. A wonderful auction from start to finish!

    Auction by order of: JD & PA Dewell Tired Iron Farm, John Dewell, Terri Dewell

    KAUFMAN REALTY & AUCTIONS                                                                (888) 852-4111                                                    DAVE KAUFMAN, BROKER/AUCTIONEER                                                            CURT YODER, REALTOR/AUCTIONEER                                                                        (330) 204-2447

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