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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Ford 4500 questions

  • 10/07/2017 3:56 AM
    Message # 5301084


    Got the 4500 running great with a new cylinder head and valves. 3 questions:

    1) Can I flip the rear wheels from side to side so the backhoe is wider? It is really tippy side to side, and I am hoping the wider stance will help.

    2) What is the small round foot pedal next to the control stand for the back hoe? Pushing it with the engine running makes the hoses jump, but has no impact on any of the backhoe functions if I press it while operating the backhoe.

    3) The loader is bent, so the LH side is about 2" lower than the right. Great for creating a crown on the driveway? But sucks for leveling my building lot. Is there a technique for bending it back, or am I stuck with what I have? I'm picturing a tree, some com-alongs and some chain.

    Thank You!!!

    I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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