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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Vintage Industrial Cogged Flywheel

  • 09/26/2013 11:45 AM
    Message # 1399037
    I am on the hunt for some old vintage cogged flywheels for a "hunny do" project.  Looking for 4 that are about 4-5' in diameter and 3-6 inches thick.  What machinery could i be looking for in salvage/junk yards that might have something that fits this discription?  Or if anyone knows of some let me know.
  • 01/18/2014 9:17 PM
    Reply # 1478074 on 1399037
    4-5 feet in diameter? Thats a tough one. Really big Hit-Miss engines had them that size but engines that size are so rare now that you wont find one that doesn't have a huge price tag!
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