4th ANNUAL HARRISON CAREER CENTER FFA TRACTOR, TRUCK, ENGINE, AND CAR SHOW MAY 5, 2019 HARRISON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 550 GRANT STREET CADIZ, OHIO 11am-4pm Registration starts around 9:30am FOOD MUSIC FAMILY FUN!!! ADMISSON: DONATION Benefits the Harrison Career Center FFA For info. contact 330-440-5578 or Email HCCFFA@yahoo.com www.Facebook.com/HCCFFA Featured on TV show Cruise-In in 2018. From the 3rd Annual show in 2018 www.youtube.com/watch?v=osKy4Ral7h4
(c) Historical Construction Equipment Association 2013-2025
16623 Liberty Hi Road Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 419-352-5616 - Fax 419-352-6086
Equipment, archives and museum inquiries tberry@hcea.net
All other inquiries info@hcea.net