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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Allis Chalmers KO, LO, SO Injector nozzles and other early Allis Chalmers Parts

  • 06/20/2019 8:46 AM
    Message # 7589383

    We have connections to get injector nozzles for Allis Chalmers Hesselman Oil Engines.  These would be the later style nozzles used on the KO, LO, SO, and associated power units.  If there is interest, contact me for more details.  Exact cost is related to how much interest we get, so spread the word.  This may be a one time run, so if you have interest, please let me know soon.  One set is almost done and will be tested on an engine in the next week or so.  Delivery of nozzles will be in late July.

    We specialize in parts for Older Allis Chalmers Tractors, but also handle parts that cross over to the associated crawler and equipment such as Monarch 35, K, L, M.  Everything from sheet metal, carburetors, engine parts, gaskets etc.  If you are looking for parts for one these old machines, please feel free to contact us.

    Mark Pfouts

    Pfouts Family Farm LLC

    13040 State Route 700

    Hiram, Ohio 44234

    (330) 569-7037

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