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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Cat D4 parts

  • 11/17/2013 12:39 PM
    Message # 1440123
    Rebuilt pony motor from a 5t series D4, new mag., brand new Hahn upper seat cushion, 4 pony motor mags, D4 generator, set of lights and brackets,air cleaner tops, rebuilt pony motor carb, two D4 dash panels, radiator cast sides,throttle parts, pony motor gas tanks some other misc. D4 parts and some Cat 22 parts, many of the pieces are sandblasted and painted. Would like to sell all together...  $1600                                                              
      Also service, operator, parts and blade manuals for a Cat D6D dozer...$300,  plus service manual for No 12 and 14 motorgrader (12k,13k,33k,72g,89h)...$100. Central Wisconsin, call after 3:30pm. 715-384-8107
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